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Terramar Videos

Watch these short videos to learn more about Terramar, a foliar technology for row crops that can be used to increase nutrient uptake and enhance crop tolerance to abiotic stress.

3 Things You Should Know About Terramar

Terramar is designed to help row crops like corn, soybeans, and cotton stand up to stress. Opportunities to make a foliar application of Terramar include: At first vegetative pass with herbicide or foliar nutritionals; with a first fungicide pass; or with a last fungicide pass at VT on corn or at R1-R3 on soybeans.

A Combination of Two Unique Technologies

Agricen's Steve Sexton describes the two unique technologies in Terramar (MBT, or marine-based technology, and CBT, or carbon-based technology) and how they deliver enhanced stress mitigation and increased nutrient uptake in row crops.

Help Your Crops Stand Up to Stress, Sustainably

Terramar helps crops stand up to heat and other weather-related stresses while also enabling them uptake more nutrients so that growers can produce crops more sustainably.