Extract Powered by Accomplish® (Extract PBA) (6-0-0-13S), available from Loveland Products/Nutrien Ag Solutions, is a biocatalyst specifically formulated to improve nutrient release from the soil, organic and inorganic nutrient applications and the previous season's crop residue. With Extract PBA, you'll "Unlock More Nutrition" to maximize yield.
Extract PBA combines the concentrated biochemistry of Accomplish® LM with ammonium thiosulfate (ATS), a nitrogen source, to help growers access the full nutrient value of their fertilizer investment. It is optimized to help growers easily and effectively manage nutrients tied up in the soil and in crop residue by accelerating release of existing nutrition while also increasing nutrient availability. The biochemistry in Extract PBA speeds nutrient release and accelerates residue decomposition for rapid nutrient recycling, while ATS promotes an optimal carbon to nitrogen ratio to enhance soil microbial activity, further expediting nutrient return to the soil profile.
Key Benefits:
Product Features:
5601 Granite Parkway
Suite 740
Plano, TX 75024
Phone : 800-787-3724
Email : info@agricen.com
Always read and follow label directions. Check state registration to make sure product is registered in your state. Results may vary depending on soil, climate or other conditions. California Department of Food and Agriculture does not recognize the term biocatalyst as a beneficial term for fertilizer material.