Media Coverage
See the latest coverage of Agricen, our technologies and our team in the news.
March 2022
Successful Farming - "Early Planting Raises Yield Potential, But Adds Risks"
"We are planning on using products from to help reduce stress caused by the potential for colder weather that comes with an early planting...We think this research could be groundbreaking for farmers."
February 2022
The Future. Faster Podcast - "Fertilizer Enhancers: Maximizing Sustainability and Fertility, with Brian Cornelious from Agricen"
"When you look at a grower's fertility program, we think we have technologies that can be bolted onto what the grower is already doing...dry fertilizer, that's going to be a Titan XC application...Accomplish MAX is our new technology offering for that in-furrow application....It just basically boils down to having technologies that fit what a grower is already doing."
December 2021
XtremeAg - "Using Stress Mitigation Technologies to Maximize Return"
Stress on crops comes from three areas: cold, drought, and salt. Combine those stressors over a growing season and the bushels lost to stress add up. So, what can you do to reduce crop stress? Kelly plans to apply ACCOMPLISH MAX — Agricen’s newest in-furrow product for corn, soybeans, cotton, and wheat.
December 2021
XtremeAg - "Releasing Fertility Within Residue Through Biologicals"
"Biological products such as EXTRACT maximize nutrient release from residue while also breaking down that residue. Brian Cornelious and Steve Sexton from Agricen join XtremeAg farmer Kelly Garrett to discuss the results they’re seeing."
November 2021
Successful Farming - "Lessons from 2021 Growing Season Drive 2022 Decisions"
"In particular, we are excited to dive into the trial results for the stress mitigation products we from Agricen... We learned a lot this year when it comes to crop stress – and it seems like every year is bringing more crop stress. Our focus for the 2022 growing season will be on stress reduction, as we feel it will become more of an issue each season."
November 2021
Successful Farming - "Harvesting Crops and Knowledge for 2022"
"I’m really impressed with the data we are getting back from our stress mitigation trials. We are seeing a real yield boost in our...Agricen trials. This season put the stress mitigation products to the test in a big way. Next year one of our key focuses will be applying these products on most of our acres based on the success we had with them this year."
October 2021
Successful Farming - "As Harvest '21 Is Nearly Done, Uncertainty Looms for 2022"
"We also used a few stress mitigation products from...Agricen that really helped the crop get through those tougher times. We should see a nice yield bump in these fields as a result, and most importantly a positive yield bump."
October 2021
Iowa Agribusiness Radio Network - "Utilizing Titan XC in Your Field Work This Fall"
Once farmers in Iowa wrap up this year’s harvest, the work isn’t quite done. Many growers will finish up with field work this fall. According to Scott Lay, senior director of commercial operations for Agricen, growers are looking to maximize their investment as fertilizer prices move higher. He tells IARN that’s where their product TITAN XC can help.
October 2021
Hoosier Ag Today - "Getting the Most Out of Your Dry Fertilizer"
As combines roll through fields this fall, one of the first decisions for farmers regarding next year’s crop results relate to dry fertilizer. With fertilizer prices surging, growers are trying to find ways to maximize their investment. Scott Lay, Senior Director of Commercial Operations for Agricen, says that’s where TITAN XC comes into play.
October 2021
Agrinews - "Maximize Dry Fertilizer Efficiency"
“The problem we’re trying to solve is — how do we increase nutrient availability and nutrient efficiency above and beyond what we’re getting with just fertilizer alone?” said Tim Sickman, manager of Loveland Research Farm, during a webinar hosted by Agricen. “We’ve got to get the fertilizer broken down so that natural system can convert it or release it in the form that the plant is going to use.” Products like TITAN XC help expedite that conversion or breakdown.